> 春节2024 > 你自己过年干嘛的英文





1. Have big meals.

During the Spring Festival, one of the most important traditions is to have big meals with family and friends. It is a time for people to gather together and enjoy delicious food. The Chinese believe that by eating well during this time, it brings good luck and prosperity for the coming year. From dumplings to fish, each dish has its symbolic meaning. For example, dumplings symbolize wealth and prosperity, while fish represents abundance and surplus. Therefore, having big meals during the Spring Festival is not only about satisfying our taste buds, but also about preserving and passing on our cultural heritage.

2. Receive lucky money.

Another tradition during the Spring Festival is to give and receive lucky money. Lucky money, also known as \"红包\" in Chinese, is a monetary gift usually given in a red envelope. It is believed to bring good luck and blessings for the new year. Children are especially excited about receiving lucky money, as it symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. The act of giving lucky money is not only a gesture of goodwill, but also a way to strengthen family bonds and show love and care to the younger generation. In modern times, lucky money has also adopted digital forms, such as digital red envelopes sent through social media platforms.

3. Meet relatives and friends.

The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions and gathering with friends. It is a time to strengthen relationships and celebrate the new year together. During the holiday, people travel long distances to visit their hometowns and spend time with their relatives. It is a joyous occasion filled with laughter, conversations, and catching up on each other\'s lives. Meeting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival not only brings happiness and warmth to individuals, but also fosters a sense of belonging and connection within the community. It is a time to cherish and appreciate the importance of relationships in our lives.

4. Go traveling.

As the Spring Festival is a major holiday in China, many people take advantage of the long break to go traveling. It is a time to explore different cities, experience new cultures, and create lasting memories. According to statistics, during the Spring Festival travel rush in 2019, a total of 415 million domestic trips were made in China, generating an estimated revenue of 513.9 billion yuan (approximately $78.6 billion). These numbers demonstrate the popularity of traveling during the Spring Festival and the positive impact it has on the tourism industry. Going traveling not only provides individuals with a break from their daily routines, but also contributes to the economic growth of the country.

5. Play computer games.

In recent years, playing computer games has become a popular activity during the Spring Festival. While traditional customs still hold their significance, the younger generation has embraced the digital age and incorporated technology into their celebrations. Playing computer games during the holiday provides entertainment and leisure for individuals, especially those who are unable to travel or prefer indoor activities. It also serves as a platform for socializing and connecting with friends and family members who may be physically distant. The gaming industry experiences a surge in revenue during the Spring Festival, reflecting the growing trend of digital entertainment during this festive season.